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Mon, 16-Aug-2004 15:43 GMT


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Requested updates
Submited by Atanas Kosharov
1) Change tab order for entering the site (IS)
- done.

2) Change photo montage images. Get permission from folks who are in the photos you want to use. (IS)
- Kaladan will work on this.

3) Allow for folks to upload and select their own user icon (IS)
- done.

4) Create a capacity map of individual eRiders, organizations and projects. Allow them to upload a photo/group photo of their project. This is kind of what we are talking about...
But we should be able to display this graphically or at least more appealingly.

Imagine an NGO coming to the site or a funder or another eRider who wants to find an eRider in a specific country or with a specific specialty. Should have space for a short bio or description of project. This is a combination of the existing map and the eRider roster. (IS and TC)
- looking for solution on the matter.

5) Change eRider Roster to - Find an eRider (IS)
- done.

6) Password recovery. Make this more clear. (IS)
- imposible to implement. Passwords are hased in database.

7) Remove folks names on postings for now (IS)
- done.

8) Automatically give new registered users permission for everything except blogs. Still send a notification email of new users. (IS)
- done.

9) Automatically approve postings - news, resources, stories (IS)
- done.

10) Create a new eRider TRAINING resources section...not sure if we can use existing section for these things. Ian has created a whole thing on training for trainers. Rudi is creating one on training new eRiders. (TC to try and use existing structure first)
- done.

11) Begin to direct questions to the discussion list instead of
answering them ourselves (TC and IS)
- we should discuss this with Kaladan.

12) Create a more user friendly posting section like a community posting section that is less slick and unedited to encourage others to post. We should talk about this more. (TC and IS)
- we should discuss this with Kaladan.

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