Title Geek Corps Begins Digital Freedom Initiative in Senegal
Date 2003-11-07 12:43:43
From the Geekcorps Newsletter. Click here for the original text. Our program in Senegal officially kicked off last month with the arrival of our first volunteer, Sean Canny, and the hiring of our Dakar Office Staff. Sean, a native Irishman from Galway, Ireland, and Vice President from the Bank of America, will be working on an the e-finance piece of the DFI. In his own words: Currently Senegal's financial services infrastructure is primarily limited to the main urban centers with little or no penetration in rural areas. As a result the majority of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas face major challenges when trying to access even the most basic of financial services. This situation has led to non-uniform economic development concentrated in Senegal\'s major urban centers and an associated rural-to-urban population migration. In addition, a large section of the Senegalese population remains unbanked with little knowledge or insight into even the most basic of financial instruments such as interest-based saving, investing, etc., either/both on an individual or community basis. Geekcorps will be deploying at least 15 volunteers over the next year to Senegal to work in the following areas: E-finance, Strengthening Operations and Management of SMEs through ICT, Improve SME access to market via ICT tools, and Strengthening Telecenters and Cyber Cafes. If you are interested in participating in DFI Senegal, please contact Gina at for more information.
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