The following people and organizations provided invaluable assistance in the development of
Designed and developed by InterSpace Media Art Center, Sofia. Kaladan, Spud, Ivgin and Hacko.
The Advocacy Project - especially Ginger who labored long and hard to add in content.
Bulgarian eRider Maria Metodieva- who researched content for the resources section.
Ungana Afrika eRider Rudi Von Staden - who provided us with a ton of resources.
All the eRiders who helped brainstorm what this site should look like and contain especially -
Tomasz Rusiecki
Uri Filopowicz
Maiya Tsyganenko
Ric Plaisance and Bill Lester at Ninth Bridge who pushed forward the idea of a site.
The Information Systems Team at LASA for their great Training for Trainers section.
and last but not least
Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski at Tactical Tech who funded the site.
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