Council on Foundations - Grantmaker Affinity Group Index
Rank: No Rank
The Council on Foundations-recognized Affinity Group Network is composed of 37 organizations, covering a range of issues and population groups. While the Council and affinity groups are partners in providing support to the grantmaking community, affinity groups are separate, independent coalitions with separate missions. Affinity groups provide the field with the necessary resources, information and expertise to enhance the effectiveness of philanthropic dollars.
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European Foundation Center
Rank: No Rank
The European Foundation Centre (EFC) is a knowledge-based membership association dedicated to strengthening organised philanthropy, which is embedded in and supports civil society, in Europe and Internationally. The EFC helps nurture efforts aimed at supporting independent, accountable and sustainable funders throughout the New Europe, particularly when this fundamental human right to associate private capital for public benefit needs fostering.
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Foundation Center
Rank: No Rank
Newsletters, funding information (basics), finding funders, grant seeker tools, learning lab on writing funding proposals.
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Funders Online
Rank: No Rank
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Given Gain
Rank: No Rank
One of the few online services for soliciting credit card donations for organizations based outside the United States. Given Gain charges an 11 USD per month fee and a per transaction charge but does not require your organization to be registered as a not for profit in the US. Given Gain is a South African based company. Approximately 150 organizations are currently using the service.
Good for larger groups with a sophisticated plan for raising money from supporters with credit cards. Especially good for solidarity, advocacy or campaigning organizations with a strong base of supporters.
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Online Fundraising Resources
Rank: No Rank
An international listing of resources, everything from organizations, publications and software, to links to actual programs and online products.
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Open Society Institute - Information Program
Rank: No Rank
The Information Program promotes the equitable deployment of knowledge and communications resources - providing access to content, tools, and networks - for civic empowerment and effective democratic governance.
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Report Available on Grantmaker\'s Use of the Internet
Rank: No Rank
The report discusses how foundations communicate information using the Internet.
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The Foundation Center
Rank: No Rank
This website has some great articles and courses on how to write grant proposals.
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WINGS - Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support
Rank: No Rank
The WINGS network includes 53 membership associations serving grantmakers and 44 general purpose organizations serving philanthropy. Includes affinity groups and grantmaker associations. Great place to start researching grantmakers that focus on your country or issue.
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